dijous, 17 de març del 2016


Hello, it's me!

I'm here today again because my teacher sent me a mail with to questions. Here we go...

Hope you like and agree my answers!!!

First: what would you do if you were a teacher?

Such a good question...

If I were a teacher I would let the students eat gum in class and listen to music at the playground.

Second: If you were a teacher, which subjects would you teach?

If I were a teacher I would teach Spanish and Dance lessons. I would teach Spanish reading a lot and talking all the time; also, with songs in that language. 
And of course, I would teach how to dance... my school will be like High School Musical or Glee...xD

Of Course, if I were a teacher I would enjoy all the time with my students, because to enjoy school, we have to enjoy learning.

And that's all for today.
Leave a comment of what would you do if you were a teacher.



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